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20th Aug2013

Free is a Four Letter Word

The release of Plants vs. Zombies 2 this week seems to have ignited a small Internet fervor over the games’ price (free) and the “freemium,” free-to-play model...

11th Apr2012
find_and_replace Preview Image


I hobbled, my broken legs giving out with each step. It was impossible to hide in the shadows, the sparks lighting my path like luminant breadcrumbs. I...

09th Nov2011
Paper Dinosaurs Preview Image

Paper Dinosaurs

The benefactors are afraid to take a chance on Dr. Adam Kirschner, with good reason. He’s safe, almost benign. With so much money being recouped on television...

09th Nov2011
Pancake Social Preview Image

Pancake Social

It’s customary to show up to at least one of your opponent’s fundraisers. I figured if I had to suffer, I might as well get some pancakes...

05th Nov2011
Rake's Revenge Preview

Rake’s Revenge!

As far as inanimate objects go, Rake was fairly impatient. He had watched Shovel left out all winter to rust, only to be thrown away during the...

05th Nov2011
Friendly Skies Preview Image

The Friendly Skies

Elliot spun his wedding ring on his finger idly. If you had asked him six months ago, he’d never imagined he’d be here. On a 737, staring...

21st Oct2011
100-Word Preview Image

Paper Has Memory

The card had warped, its edges worn together after sitting in a damp box. The last place Reggie expected to see it was at the bottom of...

19th Oct2011

The New Red Sox Curses

I attended my last Red Sox game of the year in July, about a week and a half after the All-Star break. They were riding high at...

14th Oct2011
100-Word Preview Image

Generation Population

There were a lot of nicknames given to our generation. The Worthless Generation. The Too Many Generation. Generation Omega. But I think Generation Population was the most...

14th Oct2011
100-Word Preview Image

Best Sewing Machine Webmaster, Meet Business Management Software

The interview process had been especially grueling. It was always a crap shoot with web companies. They could be as strict or loose as those ends of...
